Lowongan Kerja PT. Summarecon Agung, Tbk. Agustus 2023


Hi, Summareconers!


PT. Summarecon Agung, Tbk., one of the leading property players in Indonesia, has brought home and business to thousands of people and happiness to millions more. As a company moving forward to reach a brighter future, we keep searching for a future leader to grow with us.

Full details about job description and requirements are attached on the picture.

Interested in applying? do visit this link: tinyurl.com/3p6r9pjj

For more information, please check our website on career.summarecon.com

If you have any other questions about this vacancy, kindly reach out to:
Instagram : @ summarecon_career
Twitter : @ summareconkarir
Facebook : @ summareconcareer

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